Well it had been few time since writing my last post....the reason why is i was researching for a novel content for you folks and that i have landed with a tut teaching you how to upload a sitemap in blogger,So before intensifying this we'll have a short information on sitemaps and it's structure.
What are sitemaps??
Sitemaps are protocol that informs the webmaster whether or not the Google webmaster or the bing to tell a couple of explicit url that is eligible for crawling in search engines and it's Created in an exceedingly XML format that helps the search engines to administer a stronger ranking by providing extra data to the webmaster tools,So by hearing these points we'll be able to conclude that Sitemaps plays a vital role in SEO(Search engine optimization) therefore primarily we'll even grasp that sitemaps even helps for a stronger traffic.......
Structure of a sitemap......
User-agent: *
Disallow: /search
Allow: /
Sitemap: http://www.Yourblogname.blogspot.in/atom.xml?redirect=false&start-index=1&max-results=500
Ah............this appearance easy however pretty helpful..........
Copy this code and alter 'Yourblogname' to your blog name and then paste it in following place by following this path:
Blogger Dashboard>Settings>Search preferences>Custom robots.txt>Enable>Paste........>Save changes.
So you've got a sitemap........................ :)
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